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Making Connections at the Child in the City World Conference

Making Connections at the Child in the City World Conference

04 Oct 2022

Today In Play

The 10th edition of the ‘Child in the City’ World Conference will be held in Dublin from 5 - 7 October 2022.

Timberplay Ireland is proud to be an exclusive partner for the event. The conference offers a platform to bring together child professionals, municipal policymakers, city planners, academics, urban designers, teachers and social workers to foster new ideas using a collaborative approach to learn how we can make our cities more child friendly.

This year’s theme is ‘Making Connections’ and over 130 international speakers will be in attendance to share cutting edge insights and findings across a range of disciplines to highlight good practices and showcase various real-world success stories from around the globe.

There are five key themes that will be discussed for this particular Dublin conference.

  • Connecting present with past

  • Connecting green and play

  • Connecting children’s (mental) health and play

  • Connecting children's participation to urban policies

  • Reconnecting children to society during/after COVID-19

Hosted and supported by Dublin City Council and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, registration is now open. 

You can learn more by visiting the Child in the City site and downloading a free brochure.

Event: https://www.childinthecity.org/2022-conference/registration/
Brochure: https://www.childinthecity.org/2022-conference/download-brochure/